Worst time ever. Worst job ever, worst people ever.

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Worst time ever. Worst job ever, worst people ever.

Post by theforsaken »

Everything's all good with me, but something has been on my mind recently and I guess I just wanted to rant about it.

Back in 2019, after being out of work for like 7 or 8 months, I got a job at this chicken farm and it was the shittest job I've ever had, even shittier than the place I came from that I also hated. The work was shit, the pay was shit, I'm sure there was some fair work violations with how they payed us and how overtime worked there.
A couple of the managers were assholes too, one of them the last one I was working under was and still is one of the biggest fuckheads I've ever met. Dude thought being a fuckin asshole made him a tough cunt or something. And he looked like colonel sanders if the colonel was a meth addict. He fuckin hated me for some reason but he never said shit to me, I heard most of what he said about me second hand from other workers. He told me I had a "shit attitude" once though when I asked someone something to double check/clarify but I guess he thought I was being a cunt or something?

Then when I got fired 5 months into the 6 month probation (most places have a 3 month probation, I've never heard of a 6 month probation anywhere else). The guy that gave me the letter (a big fat cunt, and another asshole) called me the wrong name. I just took the letter and left without saying anything.

A couple of days later I went there to ask another worker to be a reference for me and the lead hand (was an okay guy and turned into a fuckin cock head when he got his lead hand job) came out and told me I'm not allowed there and need to leave, I was like "I'm not going inside I just wanna talk to Alan for a second, is he here? Can you get him for me?" And he said yes and went back inside, he never went and got him, eventually I saw him come out and waved him over. Then I left never to return.

It still kinda pisses me off thinking about it though, there's alot of shit I put up with that I wouldn't today. I wasn't gonna stay there forever though. If ai didn't get fired before the probation I would have eventually for refusing to do the injection/catching thing again. Cause there was no way in the fuckin world I was ever doing that shit again.
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Re: Worst time ever. Worst job ever, worst people ever.

Post by theforsaken »

Edit* actually I had that part about Lead hand wrong, it was stupider than what I wrote.

I saw him first and asked him if Alan was there and if he could get him for me, he said yes and went into the office building, a couple of minutes later he came out and told me I had to leave. That's when I said I'm just standing here I'm not going inside or anything i just wanna talk to Alan for a second then I'm going. He went back in probably calling methed put colonel sanders, then Alan glcame out from the sheds and I called him over.
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Re: Worst time ever. Worst job ever, worst people ever.

Post by Candid »

Best not to think about old grievances, matey. It'll do your head in.
There's no one here these days. I post links I may want to find again, just to have them all in one place.
I'd be hard pushed to think of my worst job ever. I lasted half a day packing fish fingers then walked out at lunchtime. It was too bloody COLD in there.
Overnight shifts in nursing homes were pretty awful, too. You don't want to end up in one of those places.
Anyway, it's been a few days since you posted. I daresay you're feeling better about life now.
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Re: Worst time ever. Worst job ever, worst people ever.

Post by Candid »

Have a look at https://uncommonforumarchive.com/viewto ... l?t=109527 to see how much has changed...

This https://vigilantnews.com/post/donald-tr ... e=omnisend from the US looks promising, and I like the look of Kennedy as well, but you can bet it'll be as rigged as it was last time and the geriatric puppet will get a second term.

I really miss the Uncommon Forum. I signed up to another one but they kept censoring me so that didn't last long. :(
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Re: Worst time ever. Worst job ever, worst people ever.

Post by quietvoice »

A fucking shit show. All the world is a stage.

It's time to know that voting is bullshit, it means nothing but consent for the system. Stop consenting.
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