The Black Pill

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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »


From the ever-reliable BBC:
Covid cases have climbed by a million in a week in the UK, data from the Office for National Statistics reveals.

Swab tests suggest about one in every 16 people is infected, as the contagious Omicron variant BA.2 continues to spread.

That's just under 4.3 million people, up from 3.3 million the week before.

The figures for the week ending 19 March, are thought to give the most accurate reflection of what's happening with the virus in the community.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

Cue more jabs for all. YAY!

An additional booster dose will be offered to all adults over 75 and the most vulnerable over-12s in the UK this spring.

The UK's vaccines advisers said an extra dose would help top up their protection against severe Covid-19.

Many of the oldest received their latest shot back in the autumn and immunity may now be waning, they said.

An autumn booster programme, aimed at a wider group of people, is also planned for later this year.

Up until now, only people with severely weakened immune systems had been eligible for a fourth dose - three doses plus a booster.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

“The side effects of the experimental vaccine are published and the deceased could not claim to have known nothing about it when he voluntarily took the vaccine. There is no law or mandate in France that compelled him to be vaccinated. Hence his death is essentially suicide.” ... ine-death/

Don't think it's just France. You may want to check your life insurance policy.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

Candid wrote:
Addressing Candid on the Uncommon Forum, tokeless wrote:Here's what you put:

Covid cases have climbed by a million in a week in the UK, data from the Office for National Statistics reveals.
Swab tests suggest about one in every 16 people is infected, as the contagious Omicron variant BA.2 continues to spread.
No, I didn't "put" that, that's why I italicised it. What I "put" at the end of it was the link showing it came from the ONS via the BBC.
It was the BBC that "put" it, okay?

How would I know how many people in the UK have colds? For that matter, how would the ONS? They certainly haven't tested everybody. Maybe what they're saying is "one in every 16 'vaccinated' people". That would make sense, because we unjabbed tend not to go running off to be "tested" if we get a runny nose in winter.

Of the contributors to this thread
theforsaken was ultimately forced to have the experimental jab in order to live his life in Australia.
Richard got out of China and went to Colombia to avoid it, and was aggrieved (as well he might be) that he had to be "tested" to get back to his family in America. He had no choice in that, knowing that if he waited too long he'd need a VaxPass to get home. And that would mean a whole series of jabs.
DavidBanner won't have the jab at any price.
Quietvoice won't.
I won't.

Just one person believed what the government-owned NHS told him and rolled up his sleeves. One jab. Then another. Then a booster. Now a fourth jab, and before autumn a fifth.

The jabs will go on forever, tokeless. You've already been ill (the rest of us haven't), and more jabs aren't going to help. You're aware, I hope, that our PM and all his expert advisers have said it won't stop you getting a coronavirus and it won't stop you passing it on to others. What they haven't told you is that the "virus" is in the jabs. You could have worked that out for yourself, when you and your wife were so ill after having them... but you had blind faith in an injection that hasn't improved a damned thing for anyone.

I'm truly sorry you made the choice you did but your comprehension is poor, which means that among other things you attribute to me what the Government's ONS is saying. I'm aware the Wuhan lab was paid handsomely to weaponise old flu, and to release it; and that it was a disappointment to humanity's adversaries... but they didn't let that stop them. The track-and-trace system, the Russia-Ukraine bs, the skyrocketing prices of essentials (eg. food and fuels) are all part of the same thing.

You don't know anyone who's died of the jabs (I know at least five), you're unaware of athletes in their prime dropping on the playing field, you don't even look at government websites such as the Office of National Statistics which clearly showed the death rate at the end of 2020 was normal, but had shot up by mid-January following the December jab rollout. You're oblivious to the destruction of the economy, the closure of independent businesses, the sponaneous abortions post-jab, the psychological damage to newborns and toddlers who see plenty of masked faces but few smiles, the massive jump in the suicide rate, the skyrocketing price of fuel to heat your home and drive your car, the high death rate due to cancelled operations and NHS refusal to carry out cancer screening... all of those things and many more have somehow escaped your notice.

You're never going to believe what I say, will go to your grave believing there was a deadly new virus that came out of nowhere (a biological impossibility) instead of being Made In China under pressure by and funding from the United States of America under Fauci's orders.

If you aren't here on 11/9/22 as agreed, I'll have to assume the worst.

I sincerely hope that when the whole coronahoax falls apart in the People's Court,, you will receive monetary compensation for having taken part in a deadly experiment.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

davidbanner99@ wrote:
Candid on the Uncommon Forum wrote:What Todd Callender has to say is truly chilling.
That has been my point to you, Candid, throughout these last pages. Todd Callender. Very quick check just confirmed - yet another American! For Pete's sake!! The name was a giveaway.
So... not one of 329.5 million (in 2020) Americans can be trusted? Are you aware both Richard@DecisionSkills and quietvoice are American? Why would you give either of them the time of day?

Are you also unaware that in German-American Reiner Fuellmich's grand jury trial, where all witnesses in the countries that AREN'T (yet) being jabbed by force, having their bank accounts stolen, or being herded into "quarantine" camps, can give evidence?

Uh-oh. Fuellmich's surely more American than German now. That would mean his credentials as a lawyer are phony.

Oh, that's right. You don't believe what we're seeing now is global. That's just a conspiracy theory.

You won't look at, the 97th meeting of the grand jury trial aka The People's Court. If you google Bernd Bebenroth you'll probably see he's just some immigrant to Australia who first chose the Melbourne area for his business but has recently got the HELL out of there and moved to Townsville, North Queensland, where the situation isn't quite so dire. At this stage all they've got is quarantine facilities for anyone who "tests positive" and for whatever reason can't self-isolate. Apparently the potential spreaders of the common cold pay through the nose for the privilege of a two-week stay in one of these "health camps".

I believe UF thread-starter theforsaken is in New South Wales, much closer to Melbourne than to Townsville. You may be aware he was coerced into getting started on the road to death-by-jab. I think of him every day, we've had a couple of emails back and forth, and I consider him a friend even though we've never clapped eyes on each other.

It's been a while. Where are you, theforsaken?
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Re: The Black Pill

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Re: The Black Pill

Post by quietvoice »

tokeless wrote:Oh do be quite. You have too become a troll since the pandemic. Shame really as I once respected your opinions. Now, you are lost Candid. To live in a paranoid or hypervigilant state isn't healthy, but it's your life. I wonder if you'll ever need the traitorous NHS, with its blinkered and controlled staff who accepted vaccines and sold out? I doubt I'll ever know.
To live in a paranoid or hypervigilant state isn't healthy, but it's your life.
—I gather that you, tokeless, have no concept of individual freedom among those who live in a society.
By freedom, meaning each person does as he wishes barring anything that harms another; living by Natural Law, or Universal Law, that law which is inherent in the very being of this universe or reality in which each of us is participating.

—There are always human beings that desire control over other human beings.
One piece of wisdom, tokeless, is to always, always, always be aware of your surroundings.
Pay attention to your environment.
Life is full of wonders and surprises and dangers.
Your biggest danger is other men, men who wish harm, and do not live by Natural Law to the good, but have usurped and made occult the principles by which Natural Law operates and turned those laws against other men who have been made stupid and hypnotized/hypnotizable through not paying attention to their environment in a more conscious way.

I wonder if you'll ever need the traitorous NHS, with its blinkered and controlled staff who accepted vaccines and sold out?
-For me personally, I understood the dangers of allopathic madness long before we arrived at hoaxville. Not for me; thank you, though, tokeless.

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Re: The Black Pill

Post by quietvoice »

quietvoice wrote:
tokeless wrote:as she just had to question everything, deny reality and it just got boring to me.
Imagine that, I was just thinking the name of the cult that I belong to is the Question Everything Cult. Wonders don't cease, or maybe it's just coincidence.

You question nothing. Whatever another man in "authority" tells you, you act as if that is God's Word, "Do Not Question Me, EVER!"

A person with a sane mind would make TRUTH their authority. Questioning what another man presents to me with his words and deeds is pursuing TRUTH.

You lose a lot by not reading my posts.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

tokeless wrote:Oh do be quite.
I AM quite: quite sane, quite healthy, and quite happy considering I no longer have a job to go to and at least five people I cared about have already died from the "vaccines", while another now has a persistent cough since starting down that road to keep her job.

The jab-death toll includes my mother, my cousin, a friend for four decades (all in Australia); as well as a treasured friend and my neighbour in England. How many others I can't know, since a high proportion of my contacts are email-only.
You have too become a troll since the pandemic. Shame really as I once respected your opinions.
And I still appreciate your well-intentioned advice to weed smokers. That's your knowledge base, and will still be welcome here when the Uncommon Forum vanishes.

"Trolls are people who leave intentionally provocative or offensive messages on the internet in order to get attention, cause trouble or upset someone."
To be Candid I think these days that fits you at least as well as it does me. At the outset I didn't aim to offend, only to warn people about the "vaccines" (that have NO benefit whatsoever), and the medical apartheid they're leading to. I felt frustrated by your posts, knowing so many other people who were also ill from the jabs but unlike you are saying they won't have any more, a number that includes the persistent cougher mentioned.
Now, you are lost Candid.
I know where I am, as does everyone who matters.
To live in a paranoid or hypervigilant state isn't healthy, but it's your life.
Thanks for that. Yes, it is my life, and I'm still enjoying it while I can, perhaps appreciating it more now because it's almost certainly going to be shortened as a result of the coronahoax and its ramifications.

I'll put my hand up to hypervigilance—it's the chief effect of Complex ptsd—but paranoid I'm not. What was once a psychiatric definition became, sometime in the 1970s, a buzzword for pot-smokers. Then people were no longer paranoid (a clinical term), they were paranoid ABOUT something, which is a nonsense.
I wonder if you'll ever need the traitorous NHS, with its blinkered and controlled staff who accepted vaccines and sold out? I doubt I'll ever know.
I can tell you: I won't. I've resisted at least a dozen attempts to reel me in, including three letters making appointments I haven't asked for and telling me to call the surgery if the time/date specified is unsuitable. The last line of each letter also tells me I must be muzzled to enter the building. It looks to me as though far from being overwhelmed by "covid cases", the NHS has been reduced to touting for business.

Should I ever need medical help, I'm already registered with whose doctors aren't stupid. Since they're not being paid by the Government I'll have to pay for whatever treatment I may need in the future, but rather that than being treated by any "doctor" who thinks muzzles and forced experimental "vaccines" are a good idea.

I have more and better people in my life now than I did before the coronahoax got started. In particular we're making alternative arrangements for when the SHTF, so I'm sorted for food and shelter.

You'll be just fine, of course.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

tokeless wrote:I'll just crack on. I'm here for the experiences I can create and the memories I can make for myself and my loved ones. Uncommon Forum died a natural death. If I don't pop in to gloat that I'm alive and well, nobody really cares if I made it or not.
Actually, we do. If five people say no to the jabs and one says yes, we need to know who's still okay and who isn't. For science, right? Don't you think that's what this whole thread is about? You used to spend most of your time advising dope-smokers, but this thread has been worth your time and attention through umpteen pages. And now you're saying you're going to bail out? Oh, BOO. BOOOOOO!
If I don't you and Robin can pat yourselves on the back and believe you were right all along, which is all you've done for ages now.
That's where you're wrong, tokeless. It was about trying to warn people against the jabs. Although it was too late for you, there was always a chance other people would see the debate, know how to access links, and think twice about being injected once it became obvious who got sick and who didn't.
Earlier in the UF thread, theforsaken wrote:People that are buying into this are also blaming people who think like us for killing their grandmas and shit lol, while people who think like us are fighting for their rights just as much as our own.
That sums it up. And you won't know you've LOST your basic human rights—until it's too late. For ALL of us.
tokeless wrote:QV would obviously want proof. Prove you're dead Tokeless..
As has been pointed out many times, it's almost always impossible to prove a negative. I'd like proof that you're still alive. Heck, I might be the one who snuffs it or is otherwise incapacitated on September 11. Any of us might be. See?

A member's absence will mean nothing. As you've said, you might not be arsed. Any of us might not be arsed, or we might have something more pressing to do ... or we might forget, as theforsaken wrote. Our absence won't mean we're dead, but our presence will prove we're not.
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