This Video Seems To Have Been Proven

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This Video Seems To Have Been Proven

Post by Fulgurator »

This video featured falls in line with how I've felt about social media for ages. If you watch it (only a minute of animation) it should become clear.
I grew up watching Star Trek on the t.v. and in that show the sense was that Spock played chess with the computer and so challenged his intellect. We imagined in the 1970s that computers would bring a scientific future.
What actually has happened is that modern computing stressed the "social" far far above the intellectual so that's why they call it "social media". Most people use it in some social, herd capacity, despite the vast potential for research. The large sites have a whole kind of "patronising"vocabulary. What seems to matter are "friends", "likes", "reputation" - the suggested concept that you should -above all else - concern yourself as to whether you are saying the right thing to "win friends" and "generate likes". Conformism that is.
Everything I've read on psychology, science or philosophy stresses that base instincts and feelings relate more to how children process information. Very young children don't analyse but, later in life, as adults, it's expected the intellect becomes more dominant. Rational adults should know what you "like" isn't the same thing as what relates to reality.
Simple example. I "like" sweets and chocolate but I also know eating a healthy diet requires moderation. In the 1970s, smart people still "liked" to smoke but they quit when it was eventually shown smoking can damage health.
Worryingly, what I see on the large sites such as Fbook comes pretty close to the old Moonies "programming" techniques, where cult initiates were subjected to extreme peer pressure, emotional feedback, childlike stimulae. This created an increase in desire for group inclusion and a loss in independent reasoning - new members were never left alone to think.
Finally - my core study subject - schizophrenia. According to E. Bleuler, autism in schizophrenia is a bit different than, say, Asperger autism or Kanner autism. In schizophrenia, desired reality (what you want to be real) displaces the actual reality your friends see corresponds to you. As a simple example, Bleuler referred to a speaker on a stage who fails to see the audience is bored (it's filtered out if his processing) and imagines the audience is riveted (because desired reality of being a great talker, outweighs the harsher reality). Some schizophrenics lose contact altogether with reality per se and live in a preferred reality. Social media giants unknowingly encourage that process. If your reality doesn't give you "likes" and "friends", the temptation is to adopt the views that are preferred reality.
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Re: This Video Seems To Have Been Proven

Post by Fulgurator »

"Greenfield believes ministers have not yet looked at the broad cultural and psychological effect of on-screen friendships via Facebook, Bebo and Twitter.
She told the House of Lords that children's experiences on social networking sites "are devoid of cohesive narrative and long-term significance. As a consequence, the mid-21st century mind might almost be infantilised, characterised by short attention spans, sensationalism, inability to empathise and a shaky sense of identity". ... ens-brains
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Re: This Video Seems To Have Been Proven

Post by Fulgurator »

This probably sounds arrogant and a bit judgemental but on Fbook to date I hardly ever find healthy curiosity in the users, or sentences that go beyond two sentences. Most users tend to be happy to "like" any view they hear but with no potential to analyse it. Comments such as "interesting idea" tell me the poster has taken just a few seconds to superficially read a few paragraphs but hasn't then drawn upon any independent potential to question, object or expain why they agree. Seems to me there is no actual thibking process going on.
Worse still, on fan sites, the mostly American posters - rather than engage as human beings - simply repeat short, slavishly flattering comments that all say the same thing.
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Re: This Video Seems To Have Been Proven

Post by quietvoice »

Hey, buddy, do you not yet know that Fraudbook is highly censored? That is precisely why you see only non-thinking bullsh!t going on there.
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Re: This Video Seems To Have Been Proven

Post by Fulgurator »

Yes, they are discredited by the censorship. They locked me out for a few days when I posted on a covid feedback thread. It was quite funny as they had had to remove thousands of irate comments of feedback. The notice said that the less useful comments had been discarded. I then posted a comment to state "does less useful mean those who had bad experiences?"
I have one friend who used to run half marathons. After the 2nd jab he was rushed to hospital and needed a heart op on site. Thousands of similar cases took place. Many people I talk to in passing reported bad experiences. To be blunt, I don't need some t****r on a Fbook panel to patronise me with zero knowledge of biology to back him up. ... nformation
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Re: This Video Seems To Have Been Proven

Post by Candid »

Too many people have been injured or killed by these jabs for the world to keep denying that that was what they were designed to do.
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Re: This Video Seems To Have Been Proven

Post by Fulgurator »

I myself have moved on, having never had the vaccine anyway. You and Q.V. can probably take comfort in the fact most people now turned anti vax when the jabs produced so many side effects. It would be much harder to repeat the lockdowns - once bitten twice shy.
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Re: This Video Seems To Have Been Proven

Post by Candid »

I'm more concerned now about the WHO Pandemic Treaty, the global warming nonsense,the destruction of farmland ie manufactured food shortages, and the plan for a cashless economy.
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Re: This Video Seems To Have Been Proven

Post by Fulgurator »

Consider this: The new social hysteria is now the Palestinian hysteria, working exactly the same way as Covid. The hysteria is based on wild assumptions of famine and death rates but that kind of alarm never happened during the Gulf wars - we saw more or less rational protests but not hysteria. That war claimed about 3 million and civilians have always died in wars. Berlin was invaded by the Red Army and some German cities demolished by bombing.
Yet now, once again we see how alarming bits of information are simply being parroted as if sacrosanct. Just as with Covid. So, breaking it down as social hysteria we again have a threat that grows and grows in the minds of the masses, but no calm, investigative fact checking. This is like a blown up "The Russians fiddled the elections" hysteria.
They asked some of the protesters some very basic history questions and many considered Churchill was German.
The witch trials of course were similar to all of this.
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