Mr Pickles

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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by quietvoice »

So, David, you refusing to jab yourself goes against what the Mainstream Media tells you that you should be doing and should have already done.

How the heck did that happen?

What gives, David?

You are not allowed to think outside of the Matrix. WTF?
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

I studied human biology officially in the early 1990s. Why do you want to isolate a virus?
Yes, I access books off internet libraries but they are source books that were in print for years. What I refer to is the forums and channels we both know supply you with information on science that you don't check for credibility. How many times do people send me links submitted as proofs? I then check out the source writers and find some American guy with a degree in transgender sociology is teaching hard science. Sorry, that's not how it works. For biology you need a few years of lectures, lab work and exams. The people who teach you viruses don't exist are not biologists - check the actual stats of your sources on paper. Not how many "likes" they get. Even Candid has sometimes fallen into the trap of seeing the term "Dr" and assuming it refers to the subject the writer is supposedly explaining. Often the Doctorate refers to some Eastern mysticism diploma or Mickey Mouse degree.
I never go by links or sites. I found the internet falls way short of standards decades ago. You won't learn science following these sites in my view so why not just order an established biology book? You need to learn basic genetics, how recessive and dominant genes are coded and stuff like mitosis or neuron cells. This I did years ago although I no longer do any biology.
Real books. Maybe I'll find one to recommend.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

"The statement that "no virus harmful to humans has ever been proven to exist" is absolutely false. There are numerous examples of viruses which are known to cause disease in humans. In the same way we can trace DNA left at the scene of the crime, scientists can identify viruses which are the cause of human disease by isolating them from infected individuals, sequencing their genetic material to identify them, directly visualising them (by electron microscopy) and indirectly visualising their effects on cells, as well as confirming their ability to cause disease by testing isolated and characterised viruses in animal models”.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

To add, I believe there are psychological viruses which would be a particular delusion, for example, that spreads through vast communities. Take the Covid toilet roll delusion. This started by a few American shoppers who were panic buying toilet rolls for reasons that baffle me. This then spread throughout multiple countries. I saw one man at the time with dilated pupils who burst into my local store demanding toilet rolls. Totally absurd. That's also a virus of sorts but here the symptoms are behavioural, not organic.
To defend against those viruses clearly you need a collected, rational mind. These people were just impulsively following one absurd, viral idea with no questioning. At the time I thought they were stark raving mad.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Candid »

Yeah, me too. Toilet rolls have always been very low in my priorities!
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by quietvoice »

Fulgurator wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 9:55 pm Why do you want to isolate a virus?

I'm sorry, WHAT???

A field of so-called science that is known as "virology" is dependent upon the existence of a "virus", right?

So, they must have proven it's existence by isolating that particle, purifying it, making note of its characteristics . . . RIGHT?

So, where has that been done?

Why is this like pulling teeth?

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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by quietvoice »

>>>Data from Dr. Paul's practice, published in the
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
showed the unvaccinated had superior health outcomes when compared to those variably vaccinated or vaccinated according to the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. Since there was essentially no child in Dr Paul's practice who was following the CDC schedule, one would have to compare these health outcomes with the going rates in America as most in the US vaccinate according to the CDC schedule.<<<​

Can be seen here:

~~mirror of video from above link

This will fit your criteria for acceptable information source, I'm sure.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by quietvoice »

....short clip at end wasn't part of original....
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

Simple logic really. To totally deny the progress made by drugs is absurd. I recently discovered Ibuprofen stops my acid reflux attacks although I only use that as a last resort. Same goes for other drugs. Or vaccines.
What you do is apply the inferior science of the present generation as a yardstick to judge the past. You write off all vaccines as harmful on the basis of one abusive use of pharmacy. All of this because you passively allow others to think for you, rather than use your own judgement.
Psychology. What makes Q.V. tick?
I would say paraphrenia. Any negative and elaborated story or schematic is what influences most in this case. All paranoia is based on suspicion of ill-intent. "They" are out to deceive me, control my life, hatch plots and schemes. That's paraphrenia. You never encounter a positive conspiracy with a benign "they" but always negative. Paraphrenia is milder than paranoid schizophrenia but it is paranoia. This disorder also hinders knowledge and logic in the person affected.
Why negative paranoia? Well, all these fantasies involve fraud of harm. "They" faked the 1969 moon landing simply to cheat us all. "They" poisoned the water supply. "They" poisoned wells and created the black death. "They" are out to poison me.
Plus, the narcissistic component. "I alone" can see what "they" are up to and my elite inner circle of "the informed". Those others are all idiots who can't see what I can see. And so on.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

One of the absolute classic memories from Uncommon Forums was when Q.V. accused malignant authorities of poisoning the water supply. To which Richard @ decision making skills replied "totally absurd!". We are now a bit beyond just the poisoned house supply, (with wells also filled with poison too and carrying the dreaded black death).
There is a funny side to it I suppose.
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