Mr Pickles

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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Candid »

Fulgurator wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 8:30 pm More recently we had hysteria over Covid with "the unvaccinated" being resented, victimised and threatened.
Yes, we were all granny killers, weren't we!
We were right to be suspicious of a "vaccine" that was available so soon after The Pandemic was announced. You'd think no one had ever heard of Thalidomide.
Clear logic tells us people do not secretly meet to "plan" our destruction - collapse the twin towers, fake moon landings, poison our wells or hide crashed flying saucers. If the latter was true, why do "all" these crashed UFOs happen to always crash in the USA?/ Why not Bangladesh or Mongolia? Why not accuse Kazakhstan of "covering up" crashed saucers.
The twin towers collapse never looked real to me, very obvious puffs of smoke coming out from lower down in the building than the planes hit. I'm with you on the other stuff though.

I do, however, realise there is a depopulation-money grab going on. The global population endlessly going up at an ever-increasing rate bothered me years ago, and I used to talk to people about the rewards of being childfree. It's very obvious Earth has a limited carrying capacity and that Homo sapiens is far and away the most destructive species.

I can't, however, go along with what's being done now. The Very Deadly Virus was no more than a new name for seasonal flu, which carried off the elderly and the weak-chested every winter. There was endless newspaper and TV coverage to make people think a deadly pandemic was a threat to everybody. Clearly it wasn't, because most of the people I spend time with have not taken the needle and have come through without so much as a sniffle.

People who fell for the scaremongering haven't fared so well. My mother-in-law had the first few jabs and has been in and out of hospital ever since. My own mother died in 2021, in Melbourne, Australia, after a jab or three. Far as I can see, Australia and Canada were the countries where the scare tactics and limits on normal activity without a jab were at their worst. Our Australian member theforsaken, having started the Black Pill thread, was among those who had a jab because he couldn't live his life without it.

We've done better in England but there are more battles ahead. I'm given to understand that our leaders have finally decided NOT to sign up to the World Health Organisation's monstrous Pandemic Treaty, which would have removed all our sovereign rights; nor to the risible World Economic Forum's equally foul agenda.

These are the matters our quietvoice took up, and I agreed with her on that much. When the overt racism kicked in, along with bluntly expressed rage that you and I didn't take up "her" information... well, that was too much for me.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

Here is the film link. I didn't see it so much as one man's paranormal experiences after the crash but more a beautiful story about life after death. Nice music in the film too.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Candid »

Fulgurator wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 9:34 pm Dogs are a pack animal although mine came to bond more with me than other dogs, though he loved to play and run with some dogs.
My Pippy was the same: ever loyal to me, but naturally he wanted to run with the pack whenever we went to the park. I wouldn't say I was traumatised by his death, but I was very, very sad and I still miss him. You can't replace a dog any more than you can replace a human. It's a mistake to try, as I found to my cost.
I felt somehow to have another dog was hurtful to his memory. I can't explain this but I do know when he died I felt deep burning in my chest and very severe. I was very upset for weeks as we were so closely bonded.
It was about 18 months before I got another dog, and it was a mistake. We were not a good 'fit'.
So, when a cat came my way...
A stray? An offer from a breeder? Whatever, I envy you having found another suitable companion, especially that he has some of your dog's characteristics. I've got a husband I didn't have when Pippy was around, but it's really not the same. :lol:
he seems to come indoors more now than last summer.
I'm not surprised, if you're in not-so-merrie England. This has to be the coldest and wettest May on record; it's more like March. All this talk about global warming makes me :roll:
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

"There was endless newspaper and TV coverage to make people think a deadly pandemic was a threat to everybody."

Consider two types of opposing social hysteria:
The virus started off as of major concern but not hysteria. It was possibly dangerous to those with severe health conditions and they feared the NHS couldn't cope due to being over-crowded. Then, it gradually changed in narrative. The alarm got ever worse and then the toilet rolls sheer lunacy. You should notice these days how alarmist people are and even feeble-minded. So, as fear overcame reason, antagonism and malice gained ground in a way similar to the Middle Ages witch hysteria. At this point, people and governments can be dangerous and open to exploitation by opportunists (drug companies keen to capitalise). This was social hysteria and paranoia.
2nd type of hysteria - reaction to the first hysteria. This assumes all the mayhem from hysteria no 1 must have some explicable pattern. What's it all about? As ever, American conspiracy figures started to lead another movement that assumed the whole mess of paranoia and scapegoating was "planned". All of it orchestrated. How else can you explain it? Well, you know, the witch hysteria that saw millions of people such as myself hunted down was never planned. The only planners were those in the judicial system who could rise in office for protecting the public from Satanists and witches. That too happened with Covid via the drug companies. Yet, in these hysteria outbreaks there usually is no plot - it just looks as if there is.
I seem to have had the dreaded virus and it struck me the symptoms I had clearly smacked of biological warfare. That is, something from a lab, China maybe. I had severe back pain and weird headaches plus sore tongue and dull ear pain. So, the virus seems to have existed but not the threat it was made out to be.
Of course, I may be wrong but, however the case may be, the new Covid hysteria is now the obsessive idea that genocide is happening in Gaza. This appears to be unproven and wildly exaggerated. It strikes me as not as bad as the Chechnyan war with far lower casualties but you see the media whipping up a frenzy.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Candid »

The media has a lot to answer for now. I left the newspaper game in 2011, and I'm so thankful I was coming up to retirement age because I couldn't have done things that went against conscience and felt okay about it. I'd spent most of my working life in the print media, so much so that I was unlikely to find satisfying work outside of it, although a lot of my former colleagues were more adaptable as well as younger and are now doing other things.

I know I'm something of a luddite now; I don't think I always was, but there came a time when I no longer even wanted to keep up with newtech, most of which seems (to me) to give inferior or downright dangerous results.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

"These are the matters our quietvoice took up, and I agreed with her on that much. When the overt racism kicked in, along with bluntly expressed rage that you and I didn't take up "her" information... well, that was too much for me."

I think much as Q.V. would protest my view, she is very vulnerable to certain social media forums. I believe as soon as someone with online reputation spins the view we have all been duped somehow, Q.V. automatically resonates with that. It's the idea of the negative control agenda you get culturally from TV series such as The Prisoner in the 1960s. "I am not a number." The feel-good factor comes from the idea that the chosen and their guru are not amongst the "many" who "cannot see" the hidden agenda. So, the idea is of being cheated, followed, manipulated and defrauded. The gurus never tell us there's some secret plan to stop cancer or halt poverty. The plots are negative. So, Charlie Manson used race and the some war with African Americans but these days we're back to Jewish figures in shady circles - a familiar pattern. I think Q.V. got these ideas from forums and, of course, she's far from being the only one. The very concept of virus she denied is working now as the race blame virus that is spreading at huge levels.
Why are Jews always blamed? They are often not Christian but of a minority religion. I'm not Jewish but I don't believe Jesus was the son of God either and neither did gnostics. So, it's all based on culture and religion. Jews are just normal people though they test higher I.Q. than Europeans and Americans.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Candid »

Fulgurator wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 10:53 pm Why are Jews always blamed? They are often not Christian but of a minority religion. I'm not Jewish but I don't believe Jesus was the son of God either and neither did gnostics. So, it's all based on culture and religion. Jews are just normal people though they test higher I.Q. than Europeans and Americans.
Jews are definitely not Christian, Fulgurator.
Christians believe Jesus walked the earth (a long time ago) to save us all from sin.
Jews are still waiting. They are bound by religion, NOT nationality.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by quietvoice »

fulgy wrote:As to my age, I'm clearly a lot older and did my learning the hard way. With increased age, you recognise misinformation and deceit more easily.
Clearly this is NOT the case for you.
What age ARE you?

And you never even look the THE information that I provide. It is not MY information, and never had I characterized it as such.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by quietvoice »

fulgy wrote:The very concept of virus she denied is working now as the race blame virus that is spreading at huge levels.
aCommenter wrote:yeah but sooner or later even the common man has to ask himself 'why' is this happening to the chosenites! When they do, the next step they usually take is to do independent research. That's when they will get RED PILLED. Thanks to the relentless works of truth seekers like 'Attack the Radical'. Count on it. Now more than ever.
David, have you ever asked "WHY" this is happening . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Candid »

Fulgurator wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 10:53 pm The gurus never tell us there's some secret plan to stop cancer or halt poverty. The plots are negative.
They wouldn't be plots otherwise.
So, Charlie Manson used race and the some war with African Americans but these days we're back to Jewish figures in shady circles - a familiar pattern.
Not everyone has fallen so low as to blame the Jews for all ills. Many of us consider race, colour and creed irrelevant.

I hold the majority of the world's leaders, so many of them unelected, culpable for going along with the fearmongering about a virus that was clearly none other than seasonal 'flu.

I hold mainstream media resposible for similar fear tactics, and for NOT reporting the massive number of excess deaths that started in every country within months of the jab rollout. The exception was Sweden, which fared much better by NOT locking down and NOT terrifying its citizens into unnecessary and dangerous medical procedures.

There've been many well-attended freedom marches in London and elsewhere; they are never shown or reported on other than by the people attending.

Of course the gurus never tell us there's some secret plan to stop cancer or halt poverty! Cancer is unlikely to be stopped, except by death or timely excision; and poverty will always be with us, despite the plan to get everyone on Universal Basic (very basic) Income. Everyone except the multi-millionaires, of course.

Further, the ludicrous Net Zero plan means air travel in cramped planes will be prohibitively costly for we ordinary folk while the megawealthy and unelected officials will use private aircraft to attend their meetings in pleasant places. There's been plenty of that already.
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