Mr Pickles

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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by quietvoice »


So, I grabbed this comment, and I want to know if this constitutes hate in your mind, David, Candid, . . .
aCommenter/USAmakeAntarctica wrote:
The fact that Jews control everything - they write the scripts, they control the narrative, the curriculum, and the dissent and will cancel anyone who so much as names them, they give the orders, they sign the checks, they dreamed all of this up and put it all in motion, and without them none of these sheep (who have been brainwashed their entire lives) would have ever even thought of doing any of these things (TO THEMSELVES) - makes Jews 100% responsible for everything that IS (undeniably) happening on their watch. NONE of which would be happening without their continued efforts to MAKE them happen.

Yes, they ARE to (100%) blame for the subversive agendas they have dedicated their entire lives/existence to forcing on us and for brainwashing us to accept and participate in those agendas and the dog-eat-dog world they so painstakingly/purposefully created. They are (100%) to blame for their endless efforts to undermine us, to rob us, to poison us, to displace us, to murder us, to BRAINWASH us, to censor us, and to destroy us from within. And yes, of course, if you removed the Jews, who work endlessly to CAUSE all of these problems, who manipulate and brainwash the masses, and who desperately censor anyone who tries to expose them, then (OF COURSE) these problems WOULD all (immediately) stop.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by quietvoice »


Here's another comment:
aCommenter/Jake_From_Ethno_Statefarm wrote:
You can't win because they hate what you stand for. A people not ok with allowing the destruction of our race & our country.

Only White people are expected to welcome everyone & cuck our people to extinction. No one ever points out Whites aren't welcome anywhere outside the west so why should we share our home with endless filthy hordes of parasites?

But we know something that is oblivious to the rest. As it gets worse, the people of our race will face a choice, admit we were right & begin to pushback to reclaim what belongs to us collectively or accept the violent crime & 3rd worldism & poverty that's on it's way if we don't. A real situation is brewing & no amount of indoctrination can pigeon hole our people into submission forever. Eventually it's kill or be killed in this world of hostile tribes. Our kindness has a limit & we're fast approaching that.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

Candid wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 9:35 am
Fulgurator wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 10:19 pmDawkins attacks Yahweh as a nasty piece of work.
Much of the Old Testament shows a god that deserves attacking, capricious and deeply unpleasant. St Paul in the New Testament is deeply misogynist too. The whole really is a mishmash of pretty much anyone who was literate, which very likely didn't include women and girls.
given Yaweh gets jealous, has rages, meltdowns and makes mistakes, he can't even be "a god". The Yaweh portrayal is pretty ridiculous since what we see is a bullying, nasty control freak who blunders in " his" creation attempts.

I don't care what quietvoice reads. I myself deplore mainstream media now for what it doesn't say, and have been censored many times on other platforms. They don't argue, they just remove my posts, particularly anything pertaining to the WEF, the WHO, or the killer injections.
Sure, mainstream media is mostly propaganda. I chucked out TV years ago, mainly when I noticed they were making wild assumptions about the benefits of massive immigration. Despite all those boasts about how immigration would boost the economy please note the pound used to be 2.30 to the dollar. We just got over-crowded and society is divided. Anti Semitism never existed in the 60s to 80s so I think that was imported via immigrants. It's pretty clear the national mentality is going to be affected if millions of immigrants arrive from religion dominated parts of the globe. Nobody even debated that lunacy to throw open the doors.
That aside, that wasn't a conspiracy but a utopian policy where naieve politicians figured wars could be avoided by eroding national identities. It hasn't worked. We have one big European war going on with Russia now winning. Plus we have as much racism as 1930s Germany despite all the so-called "unity in diversity" nonsense.
None of these politicians have had any training beyond a degree in, say, English Lit and friends in high circles. They created a hell of a mess when post communism Europe could have been peaceful and prosperous.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by quietvoice »

Fulgurator wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 8:48 pm Plus we have as much racism as 1930s Germany despite all the so-called "unity in diversity" nonsense.
Despite? Because of? Damn, Wake Up.

Did you read any of my posts? Maybe you have me on block. Well, isn't that nice.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

No, Q.V. I'm not blocking you. It may not have been helpful to seem to talk down to you, given you've been around here for some time. You also appear to be a bit stressed out which I suppose has happened to me before.
We don't seem to be agreeing on much so might be a good time to agree to disagree. I spent most of my day working on that bird box I'm building and that helps me to unwind from all the bad news we get to hear these days.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

To add, there's only Q.V. myself and Candid here so we really ought to try peacefully disagreeing and moving on to something more cheerful. To date we seem to have gotten along so it would be a shame to let things deteriorate.
I see on the news the situation with Russia Ukraine is getting very silly. They are authorising missile strikes on Russian territory which is in my book too dangerous by far. That applies to any nuclear power that could use WMD if they felt internally threatened. Ukraine is now losing its war so other countries are throwing caution to the wind.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by quietvoice »

Fulgurator wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 9:20 pm To add, there's only Q.V. myself and Candid here so we really ought to try peacefully disagreeing and moving on to something more cheerful.
Not interested. But thanks, anyway.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

I was thinking really I wouldn't want to go down the path of talking down to anyone I may not agree with. It's the worst way to change someone's views. That has always happened even on Uncommon as I recall a few wars between myself and Richard. Or sometimes even Richard and Candid although mostly it was limited to scoffings and sarcasms.
Today a friend came to see me - a very old man who is as fit as a flea for his age. He basically wants me to work with him again and every so often tries to pick up where we left off. The snag is he talks down to me. He's a trade builder who is very good at manual work, brick laying, timber work and fitting windows. Given I spent more time with books than I did doing DIY he tends to look down on me as stupid although not with any malice. So, as none of that changed, I declined. I felt a bit awkward over it, however, as this guy is very old now but we're as different as chalk and cheese. To add to that, there's the cat. I'm out at nights till midnight so to be out by day would leave the puss alone too much. He now follows me about by day everywhere I go so I prefer to be around a few hours a day to look after him. So, this is one of those days where I felt a bit awkward. Ultimately, I'm proud of how happy and healthy the cat is these days so tend to make him a priority. Cats accept you with all your defects and never judge. Whereas people do judge especially by appearance alone.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Candid »

Fulgurator wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 10:37 pm I was thinking really I wouldn't want to go down the path of talking down to anyone I may not agree with. It's the worst way to change someone's views.
I agree. No one reacts well to insults, especially to their intelligence/understanding.
Cats accept you with all your defects and never judge.
So do dogs. It's unconditional love.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Candid »

Fulgurator wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 10:37 pmToday a friend came to see me - a very old man who is as fit as a flea for his age. He basically wants me to work with him again and every so often tries to pick up where we left off. The snag is he talks down to me. He's a trade builder who is very good at manual work, brick laying, timber work and fitting windows. Given I spent more time with books than I did doing DIY he tends to look down on me as stupid although not with any malice.
Had there been a long time without seeing him?
I've noticed over the years, as I've come and gone between various places, that with some friends it's awkward and with others we just pick up where we left off.
So... he's very good at DIY and your own intelligence is in book learning, which I'm guessing doesn't interest him so much. The meeting point could be... somewhere else, maybe in personal revelation. I understand this is more difficult for men than for women.
Then there's assertiveness: "When you do X, I feel Y." Odds are he doesn't realise he's talking down to you. It may be just the way he is, and he does it with everyone.
There's also the possibility that he's fully aware you've been well educated (self-educated) while he may be one of the millions who baulk at reading a book. Could it be your intellect threatens his ego?

I don't react well to someone talking down to me, either. And it's 100x worse if that person is deliberately condescending!
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