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Re: I'm Back To Liven Things Up

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 9:27 pm
by Fulgurator
It seems clear to me. It goes back to Bill Clinton proudly stating there would be no single ethnic majority in the U.S. within a few years. They then pushed the same agenda in Europe and the U.K. The idea was to encourage as much immigration as possible in order to diversify a multicultural population. That in spite of what happened to the Roman Empire when the Roman identity was lost. The U.K. always has had a very mixed population of immigrants from Anglos to saxons, Gauls, Germans and Irish. However, in the 1990s they started to really accelerate immigration processes and threw open the borders. So, the old concept of Scots, English, Irish and Welsh is doomed as are recent attempts to lessen the influx. I recall not too long ago companies were virtually offered extra funding to employ new arrivals from overseas. I'm sure it will implode at some near point in time as countries transform into opposed masses of communities.

Re: I'm Back To Liven Things Up

Posted: Fri May 17, 2024 2:48 pm
by quietvoice
Fulgurator wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 9:27 pmI'm sure it will implode at some near point in time as countries transform into opposed masses of communities.




Who planned it out?

Re: I'm Back To Liven Things Up

Posted: Fri May 17, 2024 8:54 pm
by Fulgurator
It was probably the illuminati who are based in New Mexico, using a crashed UFO as a hideaway. Subscribe to my channel, Quiet Voice, as I'm selling tin foil hats at bargain prices.

Re: I'm Back To Liven Things Up

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 7:39 pm
by Fulgurator
There's a fine line between cynicism and paraphrenia (complex paranoia based on plots, suspected hidden agendas and persecution). Healthy skepticism is where the person questions propaganda and weighs up all the alternatives, using credible sources. Paraphrenia cherry picks random selected information to support a given theory already accepted because the theory is desirable. There's a touch of narcissism too because the individual feels he, or she, alone is in on the given secret agenda.
Let's use an example. It's probable mass immigration became a favoured policy because it was thought that would stop nationalism giving rise to, say, another Nazi Germany. The mistake was to assume multicultural societies wouldn't themselves create internal conflicts and destabilise a country. Yet, that's not the same as the idea a secret group, illuminati, or whatever "planned" mass migration. It was more likely just a fashionable policy that clearly won't work. Also it was America projecting its own values on Europe.
There's no secret illuminati, secret organisations or master plans. They always fail don't you think? What about Iraq and Afghanistan? They were all shouting out about new world orders but the truth is those policies failed. I think mostly it's social media inspired paranoia because many people prefer some neat box to fit things into. "Them" and "us".

Re: I'm Back To Liven Things Up

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 11:43 pm
by quietvoice
Fulgurator wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 7:39 pm There's no secret [blah,blah,blah].

Let me tell you something, David Banner. You got something right.



Re: I'm Back To Liven Things Up

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 10:40 pm
by Fulgurator
New steps to address conspiracy I am told are on the way. This may involve forced group therapy and - worryingly - forced vaccines in some E.U. countries and the U.S. That is, if the individual is classed as not competent to make vaccine related decisions. Glad I'm not in the E.U. or USA if this is all correct.

"In such situations, a conspiracy theory can provide comfort by identifying a convenient scapegoat and thereby making the world seem more straightforward and controllable. “People can assume that if these bad guys weren’t there, then everything would be fine,” Lewandowsky says. “Whereas if you don’t believe in a conspiracy theory, then you just have to say terrible things happen randomly.”

Re: I'm Back To Liven Things Up

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 11:40 pm
by Candid
Fulgurator wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 9:27 pm the old concept of Scots, English, Irish and Welsh is doomed as are recent attempts to lessen the influx.
I don't think there ARE "attempts to lessen the influx". In fact I think it's the opposite: let them all come, get them settled in comfortable homes, sign them up with welfare payments, and on and on... all funded by British taxpayers.

The beggars I see in the town centre are invariably white anglo-saxon. Their number continues to increase.

Re: I'm Back To Liven Things Up

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 7:30 pm
by Fulgurator
My take on it is multiculturalism mostly brought down the Roman Empire. It was Claudius who set the whole thing rolling. He allowed immigrants to serve in The Senate which was the first step to loss of Roman identity. By 180 A.D. religions poured into Roman cities and caused division. Apparently some cities hardly used Latin. So, society became divided into many opposing communities and Romans felt they had no real influence in the state. Nobody could be bothered to support the system as it was.
Of course, it's not racism to oppose multiculturalism. It's not victimising ethnic groups to suggest they should not be allowed to migrate in huge masses. It even applies to the English or Russians who are flocking to Tenerife. That caused protests by the local people.
Plus, multiculturalism made racism worse. America is riddled with racism and division, from shooting African Americans to anti Semitism.

Re: I'm Back To Liven Things Up

Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 9:27 pm
by Candid
Fulgurator wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 7:30 pm multiculturalism made racism worse. America is riddled with racism and division, from shooting African Americans to anti Semitism.
I agree. It's the same story in Australia, which at one stage prided itself on being multicultural. The first settlers thought of Australia as The Big Country and wanted to fill it up... at least enough to outnumber the convicts.

What they didn't take into consideration is that most of Australia is uninhabitable other than by tribal aborigines, who were massively persecuted and enslaved by new settlers until recent times.

Now there seems to be a move to welcome all comers to England. As in Australia, most of them don't merge; they stick to their own (particularly if they don't speak English) and, having settled, they make it easier for friends and relatives back home to come over as well.

I don't think you're old enough to remember a song called Melting Pot, by Blue Mink. As an idealistic teenager I thought it was a good idea. I don't now.

Re: I'm Back To Liven Things Up

Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 9:43 pm
by Fulgurator
All this took place in the Roman World. Funny though, Septimius Severus was the first African black emperor but he was totally Romanised. He had climbed in the legal judicial ranks and became emperor. In such cases, race doesn't matter if the immigrants fully integrated. What happened was not all immigrants were like Severus since so many came, there wasn't process for all to integrate. So, Rome started to divide especially via cults. I'm amazed these lessons are now ignored. In the 1960s it was accepted Rome lost its identity and they had been too open to mass immigration. I have an Indian friend who speaks Hindi and she's totally integrated since she lived here years and just adopted the culture. The problem is where huge influxes come and then try to change the democratic system, as in Sweden they sought blasphemy laws. So, logically immigration should be controlled and no criminals allowed in at all - only professional people and in managable numbers. That's not racism at all.