Dreaming about something and then it happens years later

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Dreaming about something and then it happens years later

Post by theforsaken »

This happened to me a few times over like a 5 year period, Nothing major just little things, and I don't even remember the details of them now but there the biggest one I do still remember, it's also one of if not the first one that happened.

So, many years ago now, I remember I had this weird dream that seemed completely random, I was in this room, a factory line kind of setting, and there was guts, literal innards hanging from hooks in front of me, and I remember in the dream this made sense and I was talking to the people around me, I don't remember the convo but I remember I liked these guys. Anyway I woke up and thought "wow that was fuckin weird" and forgot about it.

Years later, I'm working at an abattoir in the gut room, where the cuts are hung on hooks to be cleaned out and packaged. And I was talking to these 2 or 3 guys working with me and enjoying the convo, I don't know what triggered it, something someone said, a thought that entered my head, something I saw, I dunno, but suddenly something clicked and I remembered the dream and was like "oh holy fuck! I dreamed about this!". I didn't say anything at the time but it was just something wild that I still remember.

I wonder what it means, I heard from someone that it's something telling you (angels? God? The universe?) That you're on the right track. But I dunno. It's been like 10 years and it hasn't happened recently. Hopefully I'm still on the right track and haven't just died inside or whatever. Lol.
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Re: Dreaming about something and then it happens years later

Post by Candid »

I've had precognitive dreams too. When I was a kid I dreamed of being in a dark house, where I crept around feeling for light switches but there was never any light.
At the end of 1999 I moved into a house in Carmarthen, South Wales. I arrived in darkness and none of the lights worked. The removal man (who'd taken me as well as my stuff) had a torch, and we saw that the previous tenants had removed every bulb in the place.
And here's one that wasn't a dream: I discovered the place I was living in (in Melbourne) was child's play to break into. I gave notice to the landlord and started my search for a new place, traipsed all over the area after work. One night aafter work I was too knackered to go looking again, just lay on my bed thinking where am I going to live? Then it was like I was whooshed up half a dozen stone steps and saw the front of a house with a dark red door and a configuration of moss on the steps.
Next day the agents sent me to look at a place on the same street where I'd been living. As soon as I saw it -- same door, same pattern of moss -- I knew I'd found home.
Funny thing was, the woman who'd been living there was madly vacuuming because she was in a bit of trouble and had to get out fast. For some reason it was lower rent than the insecure place I'd been living in, and had an extra bedroom!

So what does this mean? To me, it means the future is already in place and we can access it, particularly when under stress.

I don't think you've died inside; more likely the opposite: you're learning to access your psychic powers. Good idea to visualise what you want to happen, rather than dreading what you DON'T want to happen. I've been working with that a lot lately... just little stuff like when I'm lugging loads of shopping "I bet the bus will get to the stop when I do"... and so far it seems to work.
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Re: Dreaming about something and then it happens years later

Post by Fulgurator »

I had the light switch dream too. I suffered from Old Hag Syndrome which seems also to be the explanation for abduction accounts. This syndrome is when you can't wake up but are aware of a sinister presence in your room, as you sleep. In my childhood nightmare, I dreamed of waking up terrified and running to the light-switch but they fail to work. It may possibly be the case that we did have constant electrical problems in the house, with the light bulb needing to be replaced. So, all very murky and weird. Not long ago, I saw the movie "Carrie" again and it really struck me how similar I was to Carrie (someone based by S.King on his school memories). It's been noted by some that Carrie White was very high-functioning autistic in the movie but, as it happens, such kids sometimes have psychic experiences and come from very weird, unpleasant families. Dreams in the ancient world were taken very seriously.
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Re: Dreaming about something and then it happens years later

Post by Candid »

I think they should be. Unfortunately I rarely remember dreams now.
I've read somewhere that you can increase the likelihood of dream recall if you tell yourself "tonight I'll remember a dream".
Could be worth trying... if I remember to.
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