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Asperger Syndrome And Cats

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:15 pm
by Fulgurator
I'm now very closely bonded to "The Puss" as I call him. Research knows less about cats than dogs but it so happens a lot of people with A.S. bond to cats. For example, Antony Hopkins the actor who adored his cat. Why would this be?
Cats are not social animals - the first thing I learned. They didn't evolve as a pack animal. They enjoy sitting quietly by themselves. I discovered "The Puss" doesn't have a capacity to process information beyond his own, immediate area of concern. He's not learned, for example, that by hopping on the middle of the bed, it blocks my own access. If you then move him, he reads it as a sign he's unwelcome and will shift elsewhere. You can teach a dog to understand how easy it is to just lie in one area of a bed, or couch, but I think cats struggle over associative reasoning. Not that they aren't smart. "Catus" in Latin means "shrewd" or "smart". It's just their associative horizon is narrow - the area relating to "consideration" = if I do this, they can do that, and so on. Asperger's in humans isn't that extreme but, yes, it's the same problem in essence. With Asperger's, the individual focuses very narrowly around his own horizon of deduction, not well able to connect this to other surrounding people. In both cases, it makes educational processes complicated, as these rely on conditioning and social perspectives. That's why I struggle to teach "The Puss" something so simple as moving to one area of the bed, allowing me also to be able to lie down and watch a film. Of course, I try and praise him if he does seem to shift to the side. So, cats tend to be the preferred companions of people with A.S. Cats can also at timed show affection and warmth.

Re: Asperger Syndrome And Cats

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 6:40 pm
by Candid
From my own experience with an aspie husband, yes, he prefers cats.
Also in my experience, cats will "show affection and warmth" only when they want something.

Re: Asperger Syndrome And Cats

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 9:09 pm
by Fulgurator
I have found the breeds of cats differ in character the same as dogs. Chartreux cats are known to bond to one person. The bond now is very strong - he sleeps on my pillow often. It has taken a few months to reach that bond but he's sort of my best chum. However, as cats tend to do, he'll jump on the spot where I'd been lying down if I get up to make a coffee.

Re: Asperger Syndrome And Cats

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 12:22 am
by Candid
Ah. THAT'S the difference between cats and dogs.
My own little stray, long gone, would definitely follow me to the kitchen.

Re: Asperger Syndrome And Cats

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:56 pm
by Fulgurator
It's been a learning curve for me but I guess I now love him to pieces. I suppose my own brain is wired more similar to him.