The Black Pill

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The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

It's even closer than tokeless's return to this thread on 9/11 next (#98 on p7), not an easy date to forget. I'd like it if everyone on this thread came back for the reunion hale and hearty...
Another lifted from UF. I hope the agreement still stands.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by theforsaken »

My black pill thread got hijacked! Lol
But yeah, I'm not taking that 3rd clot shot, so I should be around on the big day, even though 9 11 is a memorable date, these things can still slip by you, so I'll try to remember to come back just to leave a post on that day
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

My black pill thread got hijacked!
Stolen actually. :oops:
Very glad to see you here. Now we just need quietvoice and tokeless to join us for the September 11 reunion.
Would've thought a Marijuana PAWS forum would be right up tokeless's alley, the more so because it was he who named the day.

Richard who? :lol:
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

Lifted from UF thread of the same name:
davidbanner99@ wrote:People make the same mistake of turning to some group when faced by injustice. So, in Candid's case I simply urge caution because I myself made that mistake. She may be not seeing the guile in these mostly American info sites that exploit our frustration...
I can't deny having linked to some "news" that turned out to be another cruel and dangerous trick, but I have certainly NOT linked to "mostly American info sites", preferring English, wider UK, and Australian, in that order.

The way I see it, caution (or over-caution) is a luxury NO country can afford while unprecedented medical procedures have already led to discriminatory practices in so many of them. "Wait and see" alongside mass compliance-through-fear with patently stupid "rules" has already created medical apartheid in which those who accept rushed-out injections get societal approval and those who don't are told they're selfish, stupid, and above all, a danger to society. Media censorship and relentless government fearmongering have taken care of that.

And that's the least of it. Even mild-mannered Englishman and once highly-respected vaccine creator Mike Yeadon foresees the tracking and tracing of our every move, the cutting off of bank accounts if we don't comply, and lives cut short for those who do.
The fact a vaccine is untested and rushed is a good reason to say no.
It's good we can still agree on some things.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

I call it Chinese overkill.
davidbanner99@ might call the BBC a "conspiracy site".
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

davidbanner99@ wrote:Would our Candid have escaped a Boonville Moonie summer camp?
I think I'd have had a better chance than most, chiefly because I wouldn't have attended such a camp voluntarily. Nor will I wear a mask, have a lethal injection, or go voluntarily to a "health camp".
Best book I read was about a Yale student who got invited to a camp. The method used "love bombing", starchy food, endless group activities and lectures. Recruits were never left alone to think. They were finally convinced Moon was the messiah. Finally recruits were sent to sell flowers and candy in New York to raise funds for Moon's organization.
There've been a LOT of organisations using similar tactics. I ran up against three representatives of a religious one as a teenager, in the days when I gave ANYONE the time of day. They told me they needed a place to stay for the night; my parents were away so I took them home. When they saw the kind of books I read they were convinced they’d been sent to save me from the Devil. The main man led us in prayer. He had been with the Jesus people just three months and knew the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Then there was the one with a shaved head who had tossed in his tambourine and defected from Krishna Consciousness a week before; and a truly bewildered soul who referred to himself as a ‘baby lamb’. He'd been with the Jesus people for three days and had not been permitted to sleep in that time. From his knowledge of the Bible it was clear how he had been obliged to spend the nights.

So what were you saying? I don't think for myself, I'm vulnerable to brainwashing, what?? Clearly I need to know.

If we're talking about great books, I recommend Nando Parrado's Miracle In The Andes. He was surrounded by weaker minds who, inculcated with Catholicism (read mainstream "news"), thought God (read government measures) would save them. Nando knew it was up to them. Just 16 people out of 45 lived to tell the tale, and if not for Nando no one would know anything about it because the wreckage of the Fairchild would never have been found and every one of its passengers and crew would have starved to death.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

Candid wrote:I heard yesterday that Jesus will be back sometime this week.
Seriously. The NWO has had it now, thanks to those of us who didn't merely refuse to comply, we actively fought with our time and our love.
tokeless wrote: the ladder isn't long enough for your climb down Candid, but you can't, because what else would you do with your life if you did? It would mean nothing.
To you, no, but I can assure you my life and my bodily autonomy mean enough to me that unlike you and your wife, I and my husband declined to have a series of experimental injections. You know, the ones that made you both ill.

Did it not occur to you that a "vaccine" appearing late 2020 (albeit in production at least two years before then) couldn't possibly have been long-term safety tested?

And after the pair of you had been ill, you said it would have been worse if you hadn't had the jabs. This again was parroting what you'd been told. [Funny story here: an American woman whose father died after the injection said—wait for it!—"It would have been worse if he hadn't had it".]

Maybe, like me and my husband, neither of you would have been ill at all. Do you seriously think you might have died "of covid" without those injections??
life is sweet.
We agree on something, hooray! Now I can begin the process of reclaiming the life I had before March 2020, knowing my body isn't manufacturing the spike proteins that cause blood clots, strokes and heart attacks, having my immune system knocked out by the latest version of AIDS, nor am I carrying "a world's-first digital common-format, globally interoperable ID system with an editable health flag", ie. your "health pass" or whatever they've told you it is. ... -m-yeadon/
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

tokeless wrote:You have shown, nothing, nothing, you said has happened.
Not on the censored mainstream media, no.

You don't know anyone who's died of the jabs, you're unaware of athletes in their prime dropping on the playing field, you don't even look at government websites such as the Office of National Statistics which clearly showed the death rate at the end of 2020 was normal, but had shot up by mid-January following the December jab rollout. You're oblivious to the destruction of the economy, the closure of independent businesses, the ruination of children's education, the psychological damage to newborns and toddlers who see plenty of masked faces but no smiles, the massive jump in the suicide rate, the skyrocketing price of fuel to heat your home and drive your car, the high death rate due to cancelled operations and NHS refusal to carry out cancer screening... all of those things and many more have somehow escaped your notice.

You're never going to believe what I say, will go to your grave believing there was a deadly new virus that came out of nowhere (a biological impossibility) instead of being Made In China under pressure by and funding from the United States of America under Fauci's orders.

If you aren't here on 11/9/22 as agreed, I'll have to assume the worst.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

Here tokeless, you're going to want some of these: https://www-independentespanol-com.tran ... _tr_pto=sc

It says: "Pfizer's antiviral drug has reduced the risk of hospitalization and death in people at risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms by up to 90%."

That's odd, seeing as the headline on this piece posted Thursday 17 March 2022 is
More than 30 companies will produce Pfizer's anti-COVID pill

They're certainly off to a flying start.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by quietvoice »


Hellooo, Candid!!
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