The Black Pill

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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

Good to see someone other than myself here!
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by theforsaken »

I remembered something funny earlier but there's no light lounge so I'll just post it here.
When I did my tafe course there was this young girl in the class that never wore a bra and you could see her tits pretty well every day, especially on those colder days.
I always wanted to say something like "Watch where you're pointing those things Lucy, you might poke someone's eye out!" Because they were just there staring you in the face, it's like when someone has shit stuck in their teeth or a giant mole on their forehead, you can't not look at it. But I decided against saying anything lol.

Anyway that's the story of Lucy's loose tits. Hope you enjoyed it 😆
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by theforsaken »

I think I'm the only one here now talking (or typing) into the void. But anyway, it's a new motherfuckin year, I have goals and I'm gonna fuckin destroy them. That's basically it lol.
Hope everyone had a good new years and Christmas. The only downside of the holidays is how quickly it all ends and then we're back at the fucking grind for another year. It's depressing. I hate January and February, agonisingly long, hot months, with nothing to look forward to. March sucks too, shit doesn't really get comfortable again until April or May.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

theforsaken wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 1:14 am I think I'm the only one here now talking (or typing) into the void.
I hate January and February, agonisingly long, hot months....
So come to England. I had to break the ice on the bird baths this morning.
shit doesn't really get comfortable again until April or May.
Oddly enough it's the same here... although we often have crap summers, too. Thank your lucky stars!

I hope you'll continue popping in.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by theforsaken »

Also a fun thing I realised yesterday, this year it'll be 20 YEARS since I finished high school. That's some wild shit!

And although my answer would be something like "nah fuck that, I'd rather hang out with the missus and my 1 yr old", I am curious to see if anyone from school reaches out to invite me to a reunion lol. I haven't seen most of them since so I dunno. I think I got invited to a 10 year one through someone else but said no then too.

I remember writing somewhere (I don't think it was here) about how I still remember how much I enjoyed that last moment with them watching them all leave one by one, I knew when each kid got up and went home, I'd probably never see that person again, they were exiting my life forever one at a time, and I just sat there and basked in it for like half an hour before leaving myself. It was good shit.

School was shit, and I was the weird quiet kid lol, I have no want or need to see anyone from school again. It'd be awkward as fuck. On the rare occasion I do see someone from school at the supermarket or something I just ignore them and hope they don't recognise me lol, and that has worked so far lol
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

I just had lunch with the 93-year-old man who was my dad's friend at school.
I left school more than 50 years ago myself...
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

PS And I look more and more like the tortoise in my avatar with each passing day.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

Here's one for my forsaken aussie mate: ... cis-boyle/
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

Quotes from Health Alliance Australia’s podcast with Professor Francis Boyle

“This is like flying AIDS”

“I don’t call them vaccines. They are frankenshots. Everyone is making money and that’s what is behind this and in addition, many of these people believe in eugenics. That the fewer human beings, the better.”

“These so called vaccines, frankenshots give people live particles, cells of covid19 which is an offensive biological warfare weapon with gain of function properties to make it more lethal, and more infectious. And HIV in there too!”
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It's still GOOD

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by theforsaken » Fri Sep 03, 2021 2:55 pm

I don't know where this fits really, but I saw one of the first posts here talked about censorship, so it kinda relates lol, so I'll post here.

Ok. Man where do I even start with this.
Our world ended at the end of 2019. Life as we knew it, relatively free, is never, ever coming back.

So for years and years now, I've seen different things on the internet, people sharing documents and their thoughts on them etc etc etc, the governments and leaders around the world, and even big organisations, are all run by a handful of the riches people on the planet and they are the puppet masters, our governments are the puppets. Long LONG story short right.

So things keep getting predicted by these "conspiracy theorists" all over the internet, and these things they say will happen, keep f***ing happening years later. They're right nearly every time, but everyone still thinks they're crazy and stays asleep.

I dunno if anyone here is familiar with Agenda 21, agenda 2030 and all that stuff, but it's been circling around the internet for years, maybe decades.

Everything in these agendas is starting to happen now, the lockdowns the social distancing, the extra surveillance, the draconian measures to keep a virus under control, these things are all part of a big plan to eventually turn us all into slaves and no one sees it.

That's just the bigger picture though, and the rabbit hole goes oh so deep, but the main concern right now is the experimental vaccine and the covid tests.

The virus although dangerous, has a relatively high survival rate right? Like 98% or higher, Higher than influenza even. The government never as long as I've been alive, did daily press conferences to tell us there was 1000 cases of flu today and 4 people over 80 died and the odd 40 or 50 year old also died. So get vaccinated get vaccinated get vaccinated.

Masks, I'm sick of wearing them every time I go outside, but here it's a 5000 dollar fine if a cop catches you without one. When you're wearing a mask,as you breathe out, your exhaled air stay in the thing right, so when you breathe back in, like the first half of your new breath is old air. So eventually, wearing the stupid f***ing thing all day, you feel like you may as well have covid.

The tests, I've never been tested and don't plan on it, one of the chemicals on the swab is ethylene oxide, and when this chemical mixes with moisture, it becomes a carcinogenic. What is up your nose and in your sinus cavity? Probably alot of moisture... they're increasing your chance of cancer every time you get tested.

If the virus spreads so easy that you can give it to someone just by breathing/sneezing/coughing/not wearing a mask, or not standing 1.5 meters away from them, if it's that easy to spread, why are they digging up you nostril like 6 inches to f***ing find it? Wouldn't a sime saliva test work like they do for drugs?

Key rule for not just this but life in general,

The vaccine, the vaccine is experimental, you need two jabs for it to work (doesn't make sense = bs) they're already talking about a 3rd jab, and every time they talk about lifting restrictions in these daily press conferences, they make a note of saying (for vaccinated people)

So people who don't want to take the jab that has a relatively high chance of giving you heart issues that can kill you, or making you get blood clots, compared to the low chance that covid will hospitalised or kill you, if you don't want to take that risk guess what, the government's not gonna let you travel, work, or go to events.

There's even a document released about going cashless in the state I live in 2022, you won't be able to use cash anymore, we're going to have a social credit score or some sh** like China.
The cashless thing is another big one "conspiracy theorists" have been talking about forever too and were right again, the only thing missing g now is the microchip in the arm.

I dunno man.. this absolutely does my head in, the world sucks and it only goes downhill from here, by 2040 we will all be living in "smart apartments" in "smart cities" we won't own houses, we won't own cars, we won't own anything in our "smart apartment" slave boxes, and we will not be allowed outside of the cities. We'll be getting vaccines of all kinds every month until we die, our kids will be raised by the state and will not know any different to this
New World Order.

This is our future guys. Most people think people like me are nuts, so there will never be enough people to actually fight it.
2019 was the year the world ended.
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