The Black Pill

Psychology-related discussions or questions that don't fit neatly into any other forum.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Fulgurator »

Part of my angle on illness has modified since I was last posting. I now study esoteric philosophy many centuries old. Similar to Elena Blavatskiy - you can look her up. "Pestilentia" was the term for mass epidemic and in ancient times was caused by poor living standards or wars. "Morbus" was the term for illness.
Now only Tokeless remains missing in action.
As to me, still struggling with cold in one ear and sore throat. Hope to rid myself of it.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

"Now only Tokeless remains missing in action."

Interesting, isn't it. He's also the only one of us who had the jabs...although 9monthquit has vanished, too. I don't think he mentioned his jab status.

I found another psychology forum but kept getting posts censored or removed altogether. So I made an avatar with CENSORED written across it, and that was removed as well.

I miss Uncommon! Has it occurred to anyone else that The Black Pill thread may have been the last straw for its owners? After all, old and clunky as it may have been, it brought in a hell of a lot more people than this one ever will.

Sorry to hear you're not well. This has been the longest winter I can remember.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Fulgurator »

I think there's an ongoing downslide in the more intellectual discussion boards with more people migrating to the big sites - where the conversation seldom goes beyond two sentences and a "like". As to the covid thing I figured the hysteria would die down at some point. As to myself, I may be forced to see a doctor if nothing improves. I seem to have a blockage in one of my ears but more cold related than wax. Plus a sore throat still. It can be caused by acid reflux, so I read, and the acid at night has been bad recently.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

Digital ID: “They’re going to know where you are, they’re going to know how much money you’ve got, and they’re going to know how to switch it off if you’re naughty.” ... structure/
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Fulgurator »

I think "they" are going to have a lot more to worry about in Ukraine than vaccines at the moment. Biden is losing that war - not surprising as he's clueless.
Why did you get banned from forums?
I did find one really good minority forum dedicated to the Swedish horror movie "Let The Right One In". I thought one day I might join - it's just a fan site. I saw the film by chance when I got dvd disks from a charity shop. I loved it.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

A particular "safe and effective" concoction was pulled in Ontario all the way back in May 2021 shortly after reports of blood clots in those receiving it first emerged.

By contrast, it was available in Australia until March 2023 with the standard advice that it was 'safe and effective'.

The concoction has now been withdrawn worldwide.

A class action involving individuals who claim to have been harmed by the hastily manufactured, marketed and pushed "vaccine" is still ongoing in the United Kingdom.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Candid »

Police in Scotland are being trained to target actors and comedians under new hate crime laws set to be activated next month.
The news was revealed by The Herald daily newspaper, citing leaked police documents.
Training material obtained by the outlet states that content deemed to be ‘threatening and abusive’ under the Hate Crime and Public Order Act can be communicated ‘through public performance of a play.’
A slide from the leaked training material, titled ‘Stirring up hatred’, also lists ‘protected’ characteristics including age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and transgender identity.
In other words, under First Minister Humza Yousaf’s new law, any performer who for example ‘misgenders’ trans people, jokes about race or religion, or even criticises migrants can potentially be prosecuted.
The training material further states that even those forwarding or sharing material deemed to be ‘hateful’ can also be targeted under the law.


This is the end of free speech as we knew it. To say nothing of all the out-of-work comedians!
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by quietvoice »

I hear you, Candid.
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A Timeline of ID Cards in Britain

Post by Candid »

1939: The government introduces ID cards for the first time as a wartime measure, citing evacuations, rationing and population measurements as justification. 45 million cards are issued under the National Registration Act.

1950: Harry Willcock, a 54-yr-old dry cleaner from London, is stopped by a policeman who demands to see
his ID card. Willcock refuses, saying simply: “I’m against this sort of thing.”

1951: The British Housewives League is inspired by Mr Willcock’s defiance, setting fire to their own ID cards in frying pans outside Downing Street. The High Court rejects an argument by Willcock’s lawyers that the Act lapsed when the war ended, but give him an absolute discharge.

1952: Churchill’s government scraps ID cards in order to ‘set the people free.’

2001: Following 9/11, Tony Blair calls for ID cards, claiming it would be impossible to fight terrorism without them.

2002: Home Secretary David Blunkett introduces plans for ID cards. He claims the cards would be used to ensure that people could not “draw on services which are free in this country, unless they are entitled to.”

2004: Boris Johnson rails against the idea, insisting that if ID cards were introduced, he would eat his.

2006: After several defeats in the House of Lords, the Identity Cards Act is passed into law.

2008: Compulsory ID cards for foreign nationals are rolled out nationwide.

Pilot schemes are introduced for ID cards for British citizens. People in Greater Manchester are able to buy biometric ID cards for £30. Some 15,000 are issued.

2011: Following Labour’s defeat by the coalition government a year earlier, the scheme is scrapped. The cards are rendered invalid and the database behind it is deleted.

2021: Boris Johnson’s government introduces legislation for a Covid Pass to prove vaccine status. The scheme is denounced as a ‘medical digital ID card’. Over 100 Tory MPs rebel against the government and vote against the scheme, but are unable to defeat it.

2023: Tony Blair and William Hague join forces to issue a new call for Digital IDs. Though the government rejects the call, they forge ahead with a variety of measures including One Login, required to access a range of government services including applying for vehicle licences, signing mortgage deeds, and connecting families in need to support services in their area.

2024: The fight for freedom continues.
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Re: The Black Pill

Post by Fulgurator »

The much proclaimed but unexpected New World Order looms,don't you think? It seems the U.S.A. is finally facing a fall from global leading status, which is seen in (1) possible defeat by Putin in Ukraine and (2) strained relations with Israel. I connect this to overall decline in the U.S. as a democracy, as well as its military performances. If Putin does win in Ukraine, Europe will get quite uneasy since the U.S. has given billions to help Ukraine while lacking enough resolve to see it through. That's the price of ditching democracy and sadly there's not much of it in Europe either. Shame because the U.S. was once a great country in many ways. France even more so has bit the dust.
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