The Very Basics Of Therapy

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The Very Basics Of Therapy

Post by Fulgurator »

This can be made dead simple. The mind Plato states is divided into three horizons, ratio, adpetitus and ira. To become "balanced" psychologically and healthy physically, Platonism states the logical part of the mind (ratio) must dominate, or regulate) desire (adpetitus) and likewise control anger (ira). Think about it, as it makes sense. When a person suffers a downfall, the cause often lies in their actions being caused by desire (lust, greed, even meaness) or anger (envy, resentment). So, Bill Clinton fell from grace when sexual desire gained the upper hand over logic. I should add, Platonism doesn't suggest we can all be saints and simply rationalise lust away. In this case, Clinton's logical course of action could have simply been honesty about his sexual desires, rather than lies or denials. Anger was Mike Tyson's downfall since anger dominated his behaviour, despite Tyson having the intellectual capacity for self-control.
Most divorces, arguments or scandals are caused by desire or anger.
So, for me, it's fair to say reason and logic (ratio) have helped me to control anger and desires, so that these latter don't take control of my life. Even so, anger remains a problem because naturally in my case it's bottled-up. I have the control and self-discipline not to have outbursts or tantrums but it's more a negative, pervasive energy. The cause was unstable family, not being diagnosed in childhood, growing up without diagnosis and Carrie White style bullying at school. So, for me to be "balanced" I guess my goal would be to keep trusting in logic and knowledge, with self-awareness and honesty. Recognition helps too. The more you look at people who stumble in life, the more you see how desire (drugs, sex, alcohol) gained power over the rational part of the mind.

"Malitiam vero deterrimi et omnibus vitiis inbuti hominis ducebat esse; quod accidere censebat, cum optima et rationabilis portio et quae etiam imperitare ceteris debet, servit aliis, illae vero vitiorum ducatrices, iracundia et libido, ratione sub iugum missa dominantur."
"Wrong is judged to lie in a man filled with vices. He (Plato) judged this to happen when the highest potential of the mind (which should control the other parts) serves them instead. That is the incitements of anger and desire, with reason subjugated".
Posts: 175
Joined: Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:12 pm

Re: The Very Basics Of Therapy

Post by Fulgurator »

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