Mr Pickles

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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by quietvoice »

Fulgurator wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 10:37 pm I was thinking really I wouldn't want to go down the path of talking down to anyone I may not agree with.

Keep this in mind, David.
You are not "not agreeing" with me.
You are "not agreeing" with the information about the world in which you and I and Candid live.
You do not want to look at the information.
It is not "my" information.
It is information about the world in which you and I and Candid live.
Information is information no matter how the information is let into the mind of the observer.
You are choosing not to observe.

You choosing not to observe makes you like the majority of people who are living in the situation in which you and I and Candid are living.

But that does not make the situation go away. It actually makes it worse. It makes it such that if we are to remedy the situation, it will be that much harder to do.
So, thank you both, David and Candid, for making the remedy just that much harder to come by for your lack of making the choice to observe the reality of the situation.

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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

Q.V., the situation is I already have clarified where I stand on the conspiracy issue. Even so, as stated, I don't want to go down the path of scoffing and sneering, which we've seen happen between multiple members on the site (often on other sites). I think Candid was right to have pointed that out earlier. Also, as Candid suggested, we all ought to try and be less confrontational to make it a nicer place to be for any new members, which are needed.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

"There's also the possibility that he's fully aware you've been well educated (self-educated) while he may be one of the millions who baulk at reading a book. Could it be your intellect threatens his ego?'

He's a millionaire, all done by hard work in the building trade. Not very well-educated but he has knowledge of the countryside. He's quite lonely I think and often gets taken advantage of due to his poor judgement of character. I don't see him changing his attitude - his mistake is to judge me by success as society portrays it. I mean, socially I'm a failure as I'm so remote from other people but, on the other hand, I used my time to self-educate. Plus a lot of the Greek philosophers were social oddballs. I no longer stress about trying to have some self image that depends upon what others think or what I've got. Above all, the cat is now very important to me as now he's so settled. I'm out at night so prefer to see him knocking about by day.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

"Had there been a long time without seeing him?
I've noticed over the years, as I've come and gone between various places, that with some friends it's awkward and with others we just pick up where we left off."

It's a long story. I used to work for him doing a bit of painting or gardening. One day I introduced him to someone I know as he néeded a certain job doing on his vehicle. A bit later, I noticed I wasn't being asked to do that much work at all. Finally, it became clear the two had gone on to strike a deal so the person I'd recommended for the car job then took my entire job. Hook line and sinker. At the time I was quite hurt. It seemed very underhanded. Anyway, over the months that new arrangement went sour and didn't end well. I think now I've moved on and don't hold on to any bad feeling - it's not good to hold onto negativity, more so if someone knows they made a poor judgement. It's more the case things have changed and I'm used to having a lot more time and stopping up late till 4.00 a.m. Added to that I'm feeling my age a bit more and physical toil isn't as easy as it used to be.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Candid »

Fulgurator wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 9:54 pm Finally, it became clear the two had gone on to strike a deal so the person I'd recommended for the car job then took my entire job. Hook line and sinker. At the time I was quite hurt.
I can understand why!

I have a friend (former co-worker) who's prone to psychoses. No problem with that; I've had enough visits to the nuthouse to suspend judgment on that score.
I introduced him to a forum I was playing on...
He sat up drinking one night then rang me in the wee hours to abuse me verbally. I was staying with my sister and brother-in-law at the time. They were very good about it.
Then I went on the forum to play because I wanted to get the bad taste out of my mouth... and he was lying in wait, even predicted I would show up soon. He continued his vile attacks on everything about me.
Too much? Maybe, but I overlooked that. Eventually he emerged from his madness. We started spending time together again and it was okay.
He went on to put an acknowledgment to me in one of his books, calling me his rock.
We now live on opposite sides of the globe and he emails me most days, sometimes many times in a day.

Not sure what the moral of the story is. I don't expect to see him again. We do better with a bit of distance.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by quietvoice »

Fulgurator wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 8:27 pm Q.V., the situation is I already have clarified where I stand on the conspiracy issue. Even so, as stated, I don't want to go down the path of scoffing and sneering, which we've seen happen between multiple members on the site (often on other sites). I think Candid was right to have pointed that out earlier. Also, as Candid suggested, we all ought to try and be less confrontational to make it a nicer place to be for any new members, which are needed.

Like I said, "But that does not make the situation go away. It actually makes it worse. It makes it such that if we are to remedy the situation, it will be that much harder to do.

So, thank you, David, for making the remedy just that much harder to come by for your lack of making the choice to observe the reality of the situation."
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by quietvoice »

Fulgurator wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 8:27 pm Even so, as stated, I don't want to go down the path of scoffing and sneering, which we've seen happen between multiple members on the site (often on other sites).

Why would that happen? Why not just gather the information and learn that we are in danger? Is it because you fear what you would find? Too bad. It is happening anyway.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

Been having major issues with Russian device access on my android phone. My audio downloads stopped working and, at the moment, I can't access yandex sites. Plus my phone was crashing and ceasing to work. It seems to have damaged my phone to some extent. Yandex was taken over by Russian state authorities a few months ago and became ya ru - a censored version of Yandex. So far I haven't worked out what's going on or if I can get around it.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Candid »

Sorry to hear of your phone troubles. Hope you can get it sorted out.

Tomorrow I'm off to Selborne for another look at Gilbert White's home 'The Wakes'.
Gil's book The Natural History of Selborne still sells. There are literally dozens of editions (I have three myself) and in terms of sales, it's in second place only to the Christian Bible.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

Myself, I pretty much finished the bird house so went to buy some paint today. It's pretty good for a first attempt though I think my bird homes will get neater with experience. Then I hope to sell some. I made a hinged door for convenience but that will stay closed.
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