The Elliot Rodger Videos (your views)

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The Elliot Rodger Videos (your views)

Post by Fulgurator »

This was hard to locate. It used to be on youtube but looks like it was finally removed. I had to use Russian engines. Elliot Rodger was the son of the movie producer of Hunger Games. He had been diagnosed with Asperger's, was bullied at school and one day simply cracked. The video is weird indeed.
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Re: The Elliot Rodger Videos (your views)

Post by Fulgurator »

My psychology observations. He has weak facial mimicry and expression. Very dominantly he has narcissistic personality disorder and, put simply, a huge ego. I think a lot of the damage was caused by pushing him through mainstream schools where he was badly bullied. What really enraged Elliot was the notion he couldn't get a girlfriend. This is very common with Asperger Syndrome. Yet, combined with what psychiatrists called malignant narcissm, the Asperger diagnosis in this case turned hugely antisocial.
When the shootings took place, a lot of kids diagnosed with Asperger's had a hard time of it at school.
These videos are strange since he seems so mild.
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Re: The Elliot Rodger Videos (your views)

Post by Fulgurator »

You have to click the video directly to play it.
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Re: The Elliot Rodger Videos (your views)

Post by Fulgurator »

Asperger noted very high percentages of those with the syndrome neither marry or have girlfriends. This used to bother me a lot in my 20s and 30s given no female showed any interest and I was clueless as to why (still undiagnosed). It's hard to explain to anyone neurotypical but with Asperger's it's like seeing people through a TV screen so there's no "click" of connection. It took me years to apply the psychology and figure it out. So, in my 30s I took up bodybuilding and figured that would also impress the opposite sex. Yet, with Asperger's the barrier to relationships lies in the non verbal language sphere. For females to be attracted to guys, I think a lot has to do with children, employment and social status. They are looking for stable "mates" to have a family and so forth. Therefore, if the guy is awkward, socially clumsy and insensitive to empathy, he will find females soon lose interest and opt for "the norm". Elliot Rodger's awkwardness you can see in the video. Expecting the opposite sex to be impressed by narcissism on that scale is a no-go. Confidence, warmth and a bit of modesty is needed. So, Elliot was clueless and unable to figure out why.
These days, I more or less have this issue under control. I can chat to women quite easily as I no longer have the pressure to be in any way macho or sexually attractive. So, with no pressure I can just relax and be myself. It's self acceptance. I suppose there's enough married people in the world for my single status to matter and besides I have more time to do my own thing.
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Re: The Elliot Rodger Videos (your views)

Post by theforsaken »

He had more going on than aspergers and being bullied, I think there's also some sociopathy and extreme narcissism mixed in there as well. But because of the aspergers he comes across as a fuckin cringe lord rather than being charismatic like most other narcissists are. I've seen bits and pieces of his videos and that's what I gathered from it.
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Re: The Elliot Rodger Videos (your views)

Post by quietvoice »

I'll bet you would not be surprised for me saying that that was a psyop, a fake, a setup. They are all around. Certain people lie to you all day and every day, to mind fuck you. Who would those people be, now, I wonder?
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Re: The Elliot Rodger Videos (your views)

Post by Fulgurator »

theforsaken wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 5:53 am He had more going on than aspergers and being bullied, I think there's also some sociopathy and extreme narcissism mixed in there as well. But because of the aspergers he comes across as a fuckin cringe lord rather than being charismatic like most other narcissists are. I've seen bits and pieces of his videos and that's what I gathered from it.
A whole lot going on, yes. They immediately nonsensed the Asperger diagnosis he'd had, as if people with Asperger's can't ever be criminals. Yet, same as neurotypicals sometimes autistics can be criminals just the same. So, I'd say Asperger's and acute malignant narcissism, made much worse by the Incels social media group that radicalised Elliot. Also in the mix you get what Soviet psychologists called "clinical autism" that mixes in with the genetic autism. By that, they mean traumatic experiences such as bullying causes ever deeper withdrawal from reality. As did rejection by girls.
I had a friend just like Elliot and exactly the same manic obsession over female rejection. He too had Asperger's. However, not being in any way violent as Rodger became, my friend cut his wrists and was found dead. That hit me hard at the time and motivated me to study psychology due to the personal impact of such cases.
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Re: The Elliot Rodger Videos (your views)

Post by Fulgurator »

When I first saw the videos I found them to be hilarious, though in reality none of it was a laughing matter. A woman at the time told me someone with Asperger's had gone on a rampage and the videos were on YouTube. What somehow tickled me was the sheer extent of Elliot's narcissism. "How dare you girls out there not see me as the perfect specimen of manhood?". You wonder why his psychiatrist didn't give him a very down-to-earth reality talk. No female would be attracted by such airs. Now me, I have Asperger's and narcissism to a smaller extent but with females I'm the very opposite to what we see in the videos. I chat to women very much at ease since I figure no female would fancy me for various reasons I came to terms with. And really I don't blame them remotely, given most people want to set up a home, take holidays, socialise and make small talk. I wouldn't even leave my cat to go on holiday and I don't do social events. So, I just accept myself as I am but don't sit in sackcloth and ashes. Then again, Elliot Rodger came from a rich family and a successful dad. He was pressured to think he had to be successful and chased by females. With Asperger's that doesn't happen even in rich families.
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Re: The Elliot Rodger Videos (your views)

Post by Fulgurator »

In these videos you can see what Plato referred to about ratio, cupido, irascentia. That is, reason, desire and anger. Elliot is dominated psychologically by "desire" the yearning for sex and partnership while "anger" equally dominates - outrage that the desired relations haven't come to be. Reason and logic does function in Elliot but his reasoning is biased and shaped by desire and anger. His reasoning tells him he is a victim of injustice and that those who aren't attracted to him are guilty of victimisation. So, as Plato stated, logic is distorted when anger and desire dominate our thinking. Elliot cannot calmly access reality as it exists, externally to his own perception and how it exists in others. Elliot isn't hated by women but simply there is a blockage in non verbal communication so they don't relate to his situation. Many many social media users today also fail to perceive reality because desire and anger also distorts reason. Emotions and feelings cloud reason, often because social media users don't stimulate their thought potential by doing maths or solving problems. They simply "react" "like" and follow majority views - those views they desire to be true.
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