Mr Pickles

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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

"I always appeal to Looking At or Observing Reality and that would be the Reality in it's Full Context"

Like very many people the logical aspect of your mind serves anger (ira) and desire (cupido). So, Candid would probably agree by your posts that anger is pretty evident. So is desire, I would say but anger is very self-evident.
Now, play close attention to Plato's explanation, Quiet Voice. He got there before Karl Jung. If a person is angry, the deductive part of the mind (ratio) needs to think up a seemingly justified reason for the anger. Anger cannot just hang and float but needs a target. Often it's gay people, political parties, an ideology or very often a race. We only recently had this huge right-wing rant on a Facebook page when the page celebrity posted a pic of a gay parade. One member was furious and ranted his outrage so his comment was removed. So, I would say in our case, Q.V. you are angry so your cognitive mind seeks a reason, or schematic to justify targeting that anger. So, it's racial. Your mind tells you one certain race is the cause of whatever worries you. I call that "the target". It's a fairly simple bit of logic too with no grey or uncertain areas. Historically, we have various similar examples, such as hatred and fear of witches, hidden communists or "reds".
Plato's explanation: Logic (ratio) is subjected to (ira) anger.
What should it be?
Ratio, or reason, in the developed mind is purely analytical and unbiased. It's not influenced by anger or desire (for a make-believe reality). Logic calmly processes information and draws the most rational conclusion.
So, is good or bad purely based on the race of a person? If Mother Theresa were to be African, Jewish or otherwise, does that make her evil by default? Or do you think a good or evil person is simply what he or she is as an individual? Suppose you were mugged by someone and some Jewish passer by takes you to hospital and offers help? Is he (or she) still bad on account of racial identity?
Is your anger reflecting reality or is anger distorting your capacity to reason?
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Candid »

Fulgurator wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:34 pm So, Candid would probably agree by your posts that anger is pretty evident.
Very much so. I found quietvoice dogmatic about certain issues on the Uncommon Forum, but don't recall her being insulting to anyone and everyone who disagreed with her.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

Candid wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:26 pm
Fulgurator wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:34 pm So, Candid would probably agree by your posts that anger is pretty evident.
Very much so. I found quietvoice dogmatic about certain issues on the Uncommon Forum, but don't recall her being insulting to anyone and everyone who disagreed with her.
She had some heated exchanges with Tokeless. Both of them hurled insults at one another.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

I discovered it's very difficult to look at your own self in a detached way. I only learned to do this recently. It was very uncomfortable to openly admit to my faults. That is, given I suffered developmental delays from early age, I suffered personality issues and "bottled up anger" was one of them. So, what I communicate to Q.V. comes from my own bitter experiences, so it's not talking down to her as such. I spent years angry. I was treated badly at school, ridiculed by teachers and was isolated in the family (an ugly duckling). In many cases of HFA this creates anger in later life. At some point I had to face up to it. I knew the anger was negative and toxic but the feelings of anger are complex. I'm not quite sure why bitter experiences make us angry. I got to a certain point where I got obsessed by proving to myself I could do all those things that others said I was incapable of doing. I even got fairly good at maths despite acute childhood discalculia. Much more recently, I started to see it was gradually turning into arrogance and that the motivation was kind of wrong. Sure, I needed to prove I could do things by myself but it's not good to get arrogant. Again. anger was playing its part "I'll show them!"In all these cases, we harm ourselves by hanging onto anger and not acknowledging it. I haven't yet worked out how to lessen the anger but at least I recognise what it is, why it exists and that it's not beneficial. Also my coldness and lack of warmth is something I know isn't normal at all. What's odd is all of this disappears in my feelings to animals. Animals adore me and I transmit warmth to them. All the negativity fades. My cat loves to be near me and follows me everywhere. So, what's next I don't know. I think for now the reality I accepted is I don't connect in any way to other people. I can help people out and am not aggressive but just feel no emotional warmth.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

To give an example. I recall one day I came home from school aged about ten years. I had a picture I'd drawn in a class with crayons and showed it to my parents. My mother tactfully said it was very good but my dad tore it to pieces. He then said it does no good at all not to be honest and that if something is "rubbish" the truth should be told. Now, after some years in psychology and my experiences caring for cats and dogs, I am now very aware that was atrocious parenting. Sure, the picture must have been pretty mediocre but there's a time to tell white lies. In caring for my cat, I'm the exact opposite of how my parents acted. I never shout or show negativity and the puss feels secure, safe and loved. So, I would wonder why my parents were so clueless if I can raise my dogs and cats in a calm, serene atmosphere. Anyway, negative family units breed anger in us as we grow up. Look at Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys who was raised in a pretty rigid family. Brian did become an awesome musician but he's been diagnosed with schizophrenia and was at one time a recluse under medication. So, I'd say acknowledge anger first and recognise it's not healthy. Also not to let the anger dominate your life but start to search for causes. In my case, experiences such as with the torn picture led to my being obsessively driven to prove myself. Arnold Schwarzenegger said it was the same with his bodybuilding obsession - he also had a tough family life with his father drinking and being violently abusive in the home.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Candid »

Fulgurator wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:50 pm ... anger was playing its part "I'll show them!"
How well I know that feeling! And I don't think it'll come as a surprise to you that whenever I've acted on it, it's backfired horribly.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

My first birdhouse is completed. The problem is location. There are no trees and I don't have much in the way of options. It's now mounted on a flat roof but very much in the open, despite being 14 feet off the ground. I would say a tree in a grove would be far better but then I'd not see it.
It poured with rain as usual so today I checked for leaks. The box was dry inside so that's OK.
I think it's too open where it is. I mounted the box to a tree stump placed on a roof so it will be very wind resistant but there's no foliage around. I might get lucky so for now got some peanuts to wash and place by the box.
I'll build more and better boxes over time.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Candid »

Fulgurator wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:54 pm The problem is location.
I've hung a custom-made insect house on a nail I knocked into an outside wall. Don't know if any insects will move in as they might be taking a risk; it's above the bird feeders.

Why would you wash peanuts?? I buy bags of them displayed with wild bird foods, raw and unsalted of course.

I'd still love a bird house but I don't know where I'd put it, either.

My place totally lacked privacy so I got some stuff that turns windows into mirrors when seen from the outside. My feeders are between kitchen and living room windows and I was a bit worried the birds would freak out and think there was another bird flying directly towards them, but it seems they've figured it out. Well done me: I've changed what felt like a zoo exhibit into a bird hide, because I can watch them close up and they clearly don't know I'm there.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

You might like this, Candid. Mrs Bundy the ornithologist in Hitchcock's film.
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Re: Mr Pickles

Post by Fulgurator »

Fulgurator wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:54 pm My first birdhouse is completed. The problem is location. There are no trees and I don't have much in the way of options. It's now mounted on a flat roof but very much in the open, despite being 14 feet off the ground. I would say a tree in a grove would be far better but then I'd not see it.
It poured with rain as usual so today I checked for leaks. The box was dry inside so that's OK.
I think it's too open where it is. I mounted the box to a tree stump placed on a roof so it will be very wind resistant but there's no foliage around. I might get lucky so for now got some peanuts to wash and place by the box.
I'll build more and better boxes over time.
Myself I'm learning. I washed and chopped the peanuts to remove most of the salt. I also rinse the cat's tinned tuna as it's in brine.
Birds love the nuts. I put them around the box late at night and the songbirds kick off by 4.00 a.m. Only today I put some nuts in the box to see if the smaller birds might enter through the hole.
My next box will be open access as they tell me the nesting period is over and also the location of my box is very open. Not that secure for nesting even if it's 13 feet off the ground. Need to buy a feeder too.
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